I've recently left a career filled with many delightful, carpal-tunnel-making, creative-heart-racing, weekend-over-timing, fabric-development-dreaming, working-until-1 aming and eating-cereal-for-dinnering years of designing clothing.

Now that I have some time to breathe and explore new interests I am trying to decide what the next step in life could be. And well, I can't. With all of this time freedom I have been clamouring to complete a seemingly endless array of fantastic projects. One week I'm obsessed with the beauty and rarity of modern wedding dresses, the next cake design, then decorating sugar cookies, or, hey, how about two solid days of watching sugar flower tutorials. And then hours of 'pinning' quilts and dreaming up clothes I can't find on the racks. I'm honestly not sure what next week will hold. Carpentry? Painting? Oh boy.

I will be the first to say that I am not a writer. But I will try to maintain decent spelling and do my darnedest on proper punctuation. However when it comes to grammar and sentence structure you will have to give me free license for now. And I cannot for the life of me remember what the fundamentals of paragraphing are so I'll just put pictures in pretty increments. Like so.

xoxo Melissa
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